rework honk to make local and remote about the same.

indicate the difference with a flag, not magic values in various columns.
Ted Unangst 5 years ago
parent 1f3e7a8479
commit 24006757e0

@ -693,7 +693,7 @@ func jonkjonk(user *WhatAbout, h *Honk) (map[string]interface{}, map[string]inte
dt := h.Date.Format(time.RFC3339)
var jo map[string]interface{}
j := NewJunk()
j["id"] = user.URL + "/" + h.What + "/" + h.XID
j["id"] = user.URL + "/" + h.What + "/" + shortxid(h.XID)
j["actor"] = user.URL
j["published"] = dt
j["to"] = h.Audience[0]
@ -708,10 +708,10 @@ func jonkjonk(user *WhatAbout, h *Honk) (map[string]interface{}, map[string]inte
j["type"] = "Create"
jo = NewJunk()
jo["id"] = user.URL + "/h/" + h.XID
jo["id"] = h.XID
jo["type"] = "Note"
jo["published"] = dt
jo["url"] = user.URL + "/h/" + h.XID
jo["url"] = h.XID
jo["attributedTo"] = user.URL
if h.RID != "" {
jo["inReplyTo"] = h.RID
@ -775,7 +775,7 @@ func jonkjonk(user *WhatAbout, h *Honk) (map[string]interface{}, map[string]inte
j["object"] = h.XID
case "zonk":
j["type"] = "Delete"
j["object"] = user.URL + "/h/" + h.XID
j["object"] = h.XID
return j, jo

@ -47,14 +47,9 @@ side.
The main table is honks. This stores both locally created honks and incoming
ActivityPub notes converted to honks. It is important to differentiate the two
cases so that we don't accidentally publish external honks in the public web
view. (Previously this was accomplished via separate tables. That made some
queries more difficult, but I think it's possible to workaround this. It would
be considerably safer.) The honker column will be empty for local honks.
view. The whofore column value of 2 indiciates a public honk.
The what column further refines the type of honk. If a reply, tonk.
If shared, bonk. In particular for the case of bonk, there
aren't enough columns to store original honker and bonker.
This seems to work out okay though.
The what column further refines the type of honk.
Attachments are physically saved as files, and logically joined to honks via
the donks table. Emus are saved as donks as well.
@ -69,8 +64,7 @@ with. Their keys, their inboxes, etc. Not user visible.
The zonkers table stores things we do not wish to see, per the wherefore
column. zonkers are bad people, zurls are bad hosts, zonvoys are bad threads.
The xid column generally corresponds to ActivityPub id. For local honks, it
will be a short string, not a complete URL.
The xid column generally corresponds to ActivityPub id.
Note that some logical seeming joins won't work. The honker column of honks
may not have a corresponding entry in the honkers table, since we frequently

@ -34,13 +34,8 @@ func reverbolate(honks []*Honk) {
filt := htfilter.New()
for _, h := range honks {
h.What += "ed"
if h.Honker == "" {
h.Honker = "https://" + serverName + "/u/" + h.Username
if strings.IndexByte(h.XID, '/') == -1 {
h.URL = h.Honker + "/h/" + h.XID
} else {
h.URL = h.XID
if h.Whofore == 2 {
h.URL = h.XID
h.Noise = mentionize(h.Noise)
} else {
idx := strings.LastIndexByte(h.Honker, '/')
@ -81,6 +76,14 @@ func reverbolate(honks []*Honk) {
func shortxid(xid string) string {
idx := strings.LastIndexByte(xid, '/')
if idx == -1 {
return xid
return xid[idx+1:]
func xfiltrate() string {
letters := "BCDFGHJKLMNPQRSTVWXYZbcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyz1234567891234567891234"
for {

@ -66,6 +66,7 @@ type Honk struct {
Convoy string
Audience []string
Privacy string
Whofore int64
HTML template.HTML
Donks []*Donk
@ -567,12 +568,24 @@ func getdubs(userid int64) []*Honker {
return honkers
func allusers() []login.UserInfo {
var users []login.UserInfo
rows, _ := opendatabase().Query("select userid, username from users")
defer rows.Close()
for rows.Next() {
var u login.UserInfo
rows.Scan(&u.UserID, &u.Username)
users = append(users, u)
return users
func getxonk(userid int64, xid string) *Honk {
h := new(Honk)
var dt, aud string
row := stmtOneXonk.QueryRow(userid, xid)
err := row.Scan(&h.ID, &h.UserID, &h.Username, &h.What, &h.Honker, &h.Oonker, &h.XID, &h.RID,
&dt, &h.URL, &aud, &h.Noise, &h.Precis, &h.Convoy)
&dt, &h.URL, &aud, &h.Noise, &h.Precis, &h.Convoy, &h.Whofore)
if err != nil {
if err != sql.ErrNoRows {
log.Printf("error scanning xonk: %s", err)
@ -633,7 +646,7 @@ func getsomehonks(rows *sql.Rows, err error) []*Honk {
var h Honk
var dt, aud string
err = rows.Scan(&h.ID, &h.UserID, &h.Username, &h.What, &h.Honker, &h.Oonker,
&h.XID, &h.RID, &dt, &h.URL, &aud, &h.Noise, &h.Precis, &h.Convoy)
&h.XID, &h.RID, &dt, &h.URL, &aud, &h.Noise, &h.Precis, &h.Convoy, &h.Whofore)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("error scanning honks: %s", err)
return nil
@ -685,6 +698,7 @@ func donksforhonks(honks []*Honk) {
func savebonk(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
xid := r.FormValue("xid")
userinfo := login.GetUserInfo(r)
user, _ := butwhatabout(userinfo.Username)
log.Printf("bonking %s", xid)
@ -693,30 +707,24 @@ func savebonk(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
if xonk.Honker == "" {
xonk.XID = fmt.Sprintf("https://%s/u/%s/h/%s", serverName, xonk.Username, xonk.XID)
dt := time.Now().UTC()
bonk := Honk{
UserID: userinfo.UserID,
Username: userinfo.Username,
What: "bonk",
Honker: user.URL,
XID: xonk.XID,
Date: dt,
Donks: xonk.Donks,
Audience: []string{thewholeworld},
user, _ := butwhatabout(userinfo.Username)
aud := strings.Join(bonk.Audience, " ")
whofore := 0
if strings.Contains(aud, user.URL) {
whofore = 1
res, err := stmtSaveHonk.Exec(userinfo.UserID, "bonk", "", xid, "",
dt.Format(dbtimeformat), "", aud, xonk.Noise, xonk.Convoy, whofore, "html", xonk.Precis, xonk.Honker)
whofore := 2
res, err := stmtSaveHonk.Exec(userinfo.UserID, "bonk", bonk.Honker, xid, "",
dt.Format(dbtimeformat), "", aud, xonk.Noise, xonk.Convoy, whofore, "html",
xonk.Precis, xonk.Honker)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("error saving bonk: %s", err)
@ -758,7 +766,7 @@ func zonkit(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
if xonk != nil {
stmtZonkIt.Exec(userinfo.UserID, what)
if xonk.Honker == "" {
if xonk.Whofore == 2 {
zonk := Honk{
What: "zonk",
XID: xonk.XID,
@ -785,9 +793,10 @@ func savehonk(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
noise := r.FormValue("noise")
userinfo := login.GetUserInfo(r)
user, _ := butwhatabout(userinfo.Username)
dt := time.Now().UTC()
xid := xfiltrate()
xid := fmt.Sprintf("https://%s/u/%s/%s", serverName, userinfo.Username, xfiltrate())
what := "honk"
if rid != "" {
what = "tonk"
@ -796,6 +805,7 @@ func savehonk(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
UserID: userinfo.UserID,
Username: userinfo.Username,
What: "honk",
Honker: user.URL,
XID: xid,
Date: dt,
@ -905,14 +915,9 @@ func savehonk(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
user, _ := butwhatabout(userinfo.Username)
aud := strings.Join(honk.Audience, " ")
whofore := 0
if strings.Contains(aud, user.URL) {
whofore = 1
res, err := stmtSaveHonk.Exec(userinfo.UserID, what, "", xid, rid,
whofore := 2
res, err := stmtSaveHonk.Exec(userinfo.UserID, what, honk.Honker, xid, rid,
dt.Format(dbtimeformat), "", aud, noise, convoy, whofore, "html", honk.Precis, honk.Oonker)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("error saving honk: %s", err)
@ -1321,17 +1326,17 @@ func prepareStatements(db *sql.DB) {
stmtHasHonker = preparetodie(db, "select honkerid from honkers where xid = ? and userid = ?")
stmtDubbers = preparetodie(db, "select honkerid, userid, name, xid, flavor from honkers where userid = ? and flavor = 'dub'")
selecthonks := "select honkid, honks.userid, username, what, honker, oonker, honks.xid, rid, dt, url, audience, noise, precis, convoy from honks join users on honks.userid = users.userid "
selecthonks := "select honkid, honks.userid, username, what, honker, oonker, honks.xid, rid, dt, url, audience, noise, precis, convoy, whofore from honks join users on honks.userid = users.userid "
limit := " order by honkid desc limit 250"
butnotthose := " and convoy not in (select name from zonkers where userid = ? and wherefore = 'zonvoy' order by zonkerid desc limit 100)"
stmtOneXonk = preparetodie(db, selecthonks+"where honks.userid = ? and xid = ?")
stmtPublicHonks = preparetodie(db, selecthonks+"where honker = '' and dt > ?"+limit)
stmtUserHonks = preparetodie(db, selecthonks+"where honker = '' and username = ? and dt > ?"+limit)
stmtPublicHonks = preparetodie(db, selecthonks+"where whofore = 2 and dt > ?"+limit)
stmtUserHonks = preparetodie(db, selecthonks+"where whofore = 2 and username = ? and dt > ?"+limit)
stmtHonksForUser = preparetodie(db, selecthonks+"where honks.userid = ? and dt > ? and honker in (select xid from honkers where userid = ? and flavor = 'sub' and combos not like '% - %')"+butnotthose+limit)
stmtHonksForMe = preparetodie(db, selecthonks+"where honks.userid = ? and dt > ? and whofore = 1"+butnotthose+limit)
stmtHonksByHonker = preparetodie(db, selecthonks+"join honkers on honkers.xid = honks.honker where honks.userid = ? and = ?"+butnotthose+limit)
stmtHonksByCombo = preparetodie(db, selecthonks+"join honkers on honkers.xid = honks.honker where honks.userid = ? and honkers.combos like ?"+butnotthose+limit)
stmtHonksByConvoy = preparetodie(db, selecthonks+"where (honks.userid = ? or honker = '') and convoy = ?"+limit)
stmtHonksByConvoy = preparetodie(db, selecthonks+"where (honks.userid = ? or whofore = 2) and convoy = ?"+limit)
stmtSaveHonk = preparetodie(db, "insert into honks (userid, what, honker, xid, rid, dt, url, audience, noise, convoy, whofore, format, precis, oonker) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)")
stmtFileData = preparetodie(db, "select media, content from files where xid = ?")

@ -17,12 +17,13 @@ package main
import (
func doordie(db *sql.DB, s string) {
_, err := db.Exec(s)
func doordie(db *sql.DB, s string, args ...interface{}) {
_, err := db.Exec(s, args...)
if err != nil {
@ -32,6 +33,7 @@ func upgradedb() {
db := opendatabase()
dbversion := 0
getconfig("dbversion", &dbversion)
getconfig("servername", &serverName)
switch dbversion {
case 0:
@ -79,6 +81,14 @@ func upgradedb() {
doordie(db, "update config set value = 7 where key = 'dbversion'")
case 7:
users := allusers()
for _, u := range users {
h := fmt.Sprintf("https://%s/u/%s", serverName, u.Username)
doordie(db, fmt.Sprintf("update honks set xid = '%s/h/' || xid, honker = ?, whofore = 2 where userid = ? and honker = '' and (what = 'honk' or what = 'bonk')", h), h, u.UserID)
doordie(db, "update honks set honker = ?, whofore = 2 where userid = ? and honker = '' and what = 'bonk'", h, u.UserID)
doordie(db, "update config set value = 8 where key = 'dbversion'")
case 8:
log.Fatalf("can't upgrade unknown version %d", dbversion)

@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ var dbtimeformat = "2006-01-02 15:04:05"
var alreadyopendb *sql.DB
var dbname = "honk.db"
var stmtConfig *sql.Stmt
var myVersion = 7
var myVersion = 8
func initdb() {
schema, err := ioutil.ReadFile("schema.sql")
