stmtOneBonk=preparetodie(db,selecthonks+"where honks.userid = ? and xid = ? and what = 'bonk' and whofore = 2")
stmtPublicHonks=preparetodie(db,selecthonks+"where whofore = 2 and dt > ?"+limit)
stmtEventHonks=preparetodie(db,selecthonks+"where (whofore = 2 or honks.userid = ?) and what = 'event'"+limit)
stmtUserHonks=preparetodie(db,selecthonks+"where (whofore = 2 or whofore = ?) and username = ? and dt > ?"+limit)
stmtUserHonks=preparetodie(db,selecthonks+"where honks.honkid > ? and (whofore = 2 or whofore = ?) and username = ? and dt > ?"+limit)
myhonkers:=" and honker in (select xid from honkers where userid = ? and (flavor = 'sub' or flavor = 'peep' or flavor = 'presub') and combos not like '% - %')"
stmtHonksForUser=preparetodie(db,selecthonks+"where honks.userid = ? and dt > ?"+myhonkers+butnotthose+limit)
stmtHonksForUserFirstClass=preparetodie(db,selecthonks+"where honks.userid = ? and dt > ? and (what <> 'tonk')"+myhonkers+butnotthose+limit)
stmtHonksForMe=preparetodie(db,selecthonks+"where honks.userid = ? and dt > ? and whofore = 1"+butnotthose+limit)
stmtHonksISaved=preparetodie(db,selecthonks+"where honks.userid = ? and flags & 4 order by honks.honkid desc")
stmtHonksByHonker=preparetodie(db,selecthonks+"join honkers on (honkers.xid = honks.honker or honkers.xid = honks.oonker) where honks.userid = ? and = ?"+butnotthose+limit)
stmtHonksByXonker=preparetodie(db,selecthonks+" where honks.userid = ? and (honker = ? or oonker = ?)"+butnotthose+limit)
stmtHonksByCombo=preparetodie(db,selecthonks+"join honkers on honkers.xid = honks.honker where honks.userid = ? and honkers.combos like ?"+butnotthose+limit)
stmtHonksBySearch=preparetodie(db,selecthonks+"where honks.userid = ? and (? = 0 or xid like ?) and (? = 0 or honks.honker = ? or honks.oonker = ?) and noise like ?"+butnotthose+limit)
stmtHonksByConvoy=preparetodie(db,selecthonks+"where (honks.userid = ? or (? = -1 and whofore = 2)) and convoy = ?"+limit)
stmtHonksByOntology=preparetodie(db,selecthonks+"join onts on honks.honkid = onts.honkid where onts.ontology = ? and (honks.userid = ? or (? = -1 and honks.whofore = 2))"+limit)
stmtHonksForUser=preparetodie(db,selecthonks+"where honks.honkid > ? and honks.userid = ? and dt > ?"+myhonkers+butnotthose+limit)
stmtHonksForUserFirstClass=preparetodie(db,selecthonks+"where honks.honkid > ? and honks.userid = ? and dt > ? and (what <> 'tonk')"+myhonkers+butnotthose+limit)
stmtHonksForMe=preparetodie(db,selecthonks+"where honks.honkid > ? and honks.userid = ? and dt > ? and whofore = 1"+butnotthose+limit)
stmtHonksISaved=preparetodie(db,selecthonks+"where honks.honkid > ? and honks.userid = ? and flags & 4 order by honks.honkid desc")
stmtHonksByHonker=preparetodie(db,selecthonks+"join honkers on (honkers.xid = honks.honker or honkers.xid = honks.oonker) where honks.honkid > ? and honks.userid = ? and = ?"+butnotthose+limit)
stmtHonksByXonker=preparetodie(db,selecthonks+" where honks.honkid > ? and honks.userid = ? and (honker = ? or oonker = ?)"+butnotthose+limit)
stmtHonksByCombo=preparetodie(db,selecthonks+"join honkers on honkers.xid = honks.honker where honks.honkid > ? and honks.userid = ? and honkers.combos like ?"+butnotthose+limit)
stmtHonksBySearch=preparetodie(db,selecthonks+"where honks.honkid > ? and honks.userid = ? and (? = 0 or xid like ?) and (? = 0 or honks.honker = ? or honks.oonker = ?) and noise like ?"+butnotthose+limit)
stmtHonksByConvoy=preparetodie(db,selecthonks+"where honks.honkid > ? and (honks.userid = ? or (? = -1 and whofore = 2)) and convoy = ?"+limit)
stmtHonksByOntology=preparetodie(db,selecthonks+"join onts on honks.honkid = onts.honkid where honks.honkid > ? and onts.ontology = ? and (honks.userid = ? or (? = -1 and honks.whofore = 2))"+limit)
stmtSaveMeta=preparetodie(db,"insert into honkmeta (honkid, genus, json) values (?, ?, ?)")
stmtDeleteMeta=preparetodie(db,"delete from honkmeta where honkid = ? and genus <> ?")