{{ $bonkcsrf := .BonkCSRF }} {{ $IsPreview := .IsPreview }} {{ $maplink := .MapLink }} {{ $omitimages := .OmitImages }} {{ with .Honk }}
{{ if $bonkcsrf }} {{ else }} {{ end }} {{ if $bonkcsrf }} {{ end }} {{ if .Oonker }} {{ if $bonkcsrf }} {{ else }} {{ end }} {{ if $bonkcsrf }} {{ end }} {{ end }}

{{ if $bonkcsrf }} {{ .Username }} {{ else }} {{ .Username }} {{ end }} {{ .What }} {{ .Date.Local.Format "02 Jan 2006 15:04 -0700" }} {{ if .Oonker }}
{{ if $bonkcsrf }} original: {{ .Oondle }} {{ else }} original: {{ .Oondle }} {{ end }} {{ else }} {{ if .RID }}
in reply to: {{ .RID }} {{ end }} {{ end }}
{{ if $bonkcsrf }} convoy: {{ .Convoy }} {{ else }} convoy: {{ .Convoy }} {{ end }}

{{ .HTPrecis }}

{{ .HTPrecis }}

{{ .HTML }} {{ with .Time }}

Time: {{ .StartTime.Local.Format "03:04PM EDT Mon Jan 02"}} {{ if .Duration }}
Duration: {{ .Duration }}{{ end }} {{ end }} {{ with .Place }}

Location: {{ with .Url }}{{ end }}{{ .Name }}{{ if .Url }}{{ end }}{{ if or .Latitude .Longitude }} {{ .Latitude }} {{ .Longitude }}{{ end }} {{ end }} {{ range .Donks }} {{ if .Local }} {{ if eq .Media "text/plain" }}

Attachment: {{ .Name }}{{ if not (eq .Desc .Name) }} {{ .Desc }}{{ end }} {{ else if eq .Media "application/pdf" }}

Attachment: {{ .Name }}{{ if not (eq .Desc .Name) }} {{ .Desc }}{{ end }} {{ else }} {{ if $omitimages }}

Image: {{ .Name }}{{ if not (eq .Desc .Name) }} {{ .Desc }}{{ end }} {{ else }}

{{ .Desc }} {{ end }} {{ end }} {{ else }} {{ if .External }}

External Attachment: {{ .Name }}{{ if not (eq .Desc .Name) }} {{ .Desc }}{{ end }} {{ else }} {{ if eq .Media "video/mp4" }}

{{ else }}

{{ .Desc }} {{ end }} {{ end }} {{ end }} {{ end }}

{{ end }} {{ if and $bonkcsrf (not $IsPreview) }}


{{ if .Honk.Public }} {{ if .Honk.IsBonked }} {{ else }} {{ end }} {{ else }} {{ end }}

{{ end }}