Instructions for running of the honk. -- posting Should work as expected. Supports **bold** and *italics*. Large images are rescaled and reduced. -- following In order to follow somebody, you need to enter one of two identifiers. The easiest is probably their handle, the thing that resembles an email. for example. Alternatively, one may directly enter the actor ID, which is a URL that looks like Note that the commonly seen URL with @name in it is not their actor ID and won't work. Followed honkers may be assigned to combos, listing all their honks together. Selecting just peeping won't actually follow them. (Incomplete feature.) Cant be useful for managing as part of a combo, however. -- zonking You can zonk anything you like (or dislike), either your own honk or those of others that you're tired of seeing. Be advised that deletion works poorly in a federated environment. It's more like please disregard. The killzone supports blocking unwanted contacts. One may block an actor (zonker), a domain (zurl), or thread (zonvoy). -- privacy Honks are public. Welcome to the internet. Received messages are only visible when logged in, regardless of addressing. Recevied messages that are less than public are tagged with a red border. -- css Custom CSS may be provided by creating a views/local.css file. -- message A custom server message may be set adding a ('servermsg', 'message') entry to the config table using sqlite3. -- emus Custom emus may be provided by creating and populating the emus directory. emus may be referenced when composing a honk via colon wrapping. How pleasant. This :example: will be replaced by emus/example.png. -- proxy honk requires a TLS terminating reverse proxy be configured. It communicates with other servers via https URLs. If the proxy is configured to support caching, be mindful of the fact that ActivityPub requests vary based on the Accept and Content-Type headers. ActivityPub in practice uses HTTP signatures to verify requests. In order for this to work, the backend server must receive certain header fields unmodified. In particular, the Host header and the message content cannot be altered. Specifically, for nginx: proxy_set_header Host $http_host;