42tiny-js is partially more JavaScript compliant as the trunk-tiny-js
e.g.: trunk-tiny-js creates a var always when its needed but 42tiny-js only if the var the left-hand-side of an assignment-operator.

Some test-scripts in the "tests"-folder are not JavaScript compliant.
I have add new scripts according to the schematic: name.js -> name.42.js

run_tests is changed to prefer the ???.42.js files. Also run_tests is changed to run scripts in the "tests/42tests" folder after finished the tests from the "tests"-folder.
armin@diedering.de 13 years ago
parent 1a2eb0333e
commit feef1c5455

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
// functions in variables
// 42-tiny-js change begin --->
//var bob; // in JavaScript it's not allowed to add a child to a var with type "undefined"
var bob = {};
//<--- 42-tiny-js change end
bob.add = function(x,y) { return x+y; };
result = bob.add(3,6)==9;

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
// Variable creation and scope from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/JavaScript_syntax
x = 0; // A global variable
var y = 'Hello!'; // Another global variable
// 42-tiny-js change begin --->
z = 0; // a var is only created automated by assignment
//<--- 42-tiny-js change end
function f(){
var z = 'foxes'; // A local variable
twenty = 20; // Global because keyword var is not used
return x; // We can use x here because it is global
// The value of z is no longer available
// testing
blah = f();
result = blah==0 && z!='foxes' && twenty==20;

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
// references for arrays
// 42-tiny-js change begin --->
//var a; // in JavaScript it's not allowed to add properies to a var with type "undefined"
var a = [];
//<--- 42-tiny-js change end
a[0] = 10;
a[1] = 22;
b = a;
b[0] = 5;
result = a[0]==5 && a[1]==22 && b[1]==22;

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
// references with functions
var a = 42;
// 42-tiny-js change begin --->
//var b; // in JavaScript it's not allowed to add properties to a var with type "undefined"
var b = [];
//<--- 42-tiny-js change end
b[0] = 43;
function foo(myarray) {
function bar(myvalue) {
result = a==42 && b[0]==44;

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
/* Javascript eval */
// 42-tiny-js change begin --->
// in JavaScript eval is not a JSON-parser
//myfoo = eval("{ foo: 42 }");
myfoo = eval("tmp = { foo: 42 }");
//<--- 42-tiny-js change end
result = eval("4*10+2")==42 && myfoo.foo==42;

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
// mikael.kindborg@mobilesorcery.com - Function symbol is evaluated in bracket-less body of false if-statement
// 42-tiny-js change begin --->
var foo; // a var is only created automated by assignment
//<--- 42-tiny-js change end
if (foo !== undefined) foo();
result = 1;