/* * TinyJS * * A single-file Javascript-alike engine * * Authored By Gordon Williams * * Copyright (C) 2009 Pur3 Ltd * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ /* Version 0.1 : (gw) First published on Google Code Version 0.11 : Making sure the 'root' variable never changes 'symbol_base' added for the current base of the sybmbol table Version 0.12 : Added findChildOrCreate, changed string passing to use references Fixed broken string encoding in getJSString() Removed getInitCode and added getJSON instead Added nil Added rough JSON parsing Improved example app Version 0.13 : Added tokenEnd/tokenLastEnd to lexer to avoid parsing whitespace Ability to define functions without names Can now do "var mine = function(a,b) { ... };" Slightly better 'trace' function Added findChildOrCreateByPath function Added simple test suite Added skipping of blocks when not executing Version 0.14 : Added parsing of more number types Added parsing of string defined with ' Changed nil to null as per spec, added 'undefined' Now set variables with the correct scope, and treat unknown as 'undefined' rather than failing Added proper (I hope) handling of null and undefined Added === check Version 0.15 : Fix for possible memory leaks Version 0.16 : Removal of un-needed findRecursive calls symbol_base removed and replaced with 'scopes' stack Added reference counting a proper tree structure (Allowing pass by reference) Allowed JSON output to output IDs, not strings Added get/set for array indices Changed Callbacks to include user data pointer Added some support for objects Added more Java-esque builtin functions Version 0.17 : Now we don't deepCopy the parent object of the class Added JSON.stringify and eval() Nicer JSON indenting Fixed function output in JSON Added evaluateComplex Fixed some reentrancy issues with evaluate/execute Version 0.18 : Fixed some issues with code being executed when it shouldn't Version 0.19 : Added array.length Changed '__parent' to 'prototype' to bring it more in line with javascript Version 0.20 : Added '%' operator Version 0.21 : Added array type String.length() no more - now String.length Added extra constructors to reduce confusion Fixed checks against undefined NOTE: This doesn't support constructors for objects Recursive loops of data such as a.foo = a; fail to be garbage collected 'length' cannot be set There is no ternary operator implemented yet The postfix increment operator returns the current value, not the previous as it should. */ #include "TinyJS.h" #include #define ASSERT(X) assert(X) /* Frees the given link IF it isn't owned by anything else */ #define CLEAN(x) { CScriptVarLink *__v = x; if (__v && !__v->owned) { delete __v; } } /* Create a LINK to point to VAR and free the old link. * BUT this is more clever - it tries to keep the old link if it's not owned to save allocations */ #define CREATE_LINK(LINK, VAR) { if (!LINK || LINK->owned) LINK = new CScriptVarLink(VAR); else LINK->replaceWith(VAR); } #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; #ifdef __GNUC__ #define vsprintf_s vsnprintf #define sprintf_s snprintf #endif // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Memory Debug //#define DEBUG_MEMORY 1 #if DEBUG_MEMORY vector allocatedVars; vector allocatedLinks; void mark_allocated(CScriptVar *v) { allocatedVars.push_back(v); } void mark_deallocated(CScriptVar *v) { for (size_t i=0;igetRefs()); allocatedVars[i]->trace(" "); } for (size_t i=0;iname.c_str(), allocatedLinks[i]->var->getRefs()); allocatedLinks[i]->var->trace(" "); } allocatedVars.clear(); allocatedLinks.clear(); } #endif // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Utils bool isWhitespace(char ch) { return (ch==' ') || (ch=='\t') || (ch=='\n') || (ch=='\r'); } bool isNumeric(char ch) { return (ch>='0') && (ch<='9'); } bool isNumber(const string &str) { for (size_t i=0;i='0') && (ch<='9')) || ((ch>='a') && (ch<='f')) || ((ch>='A') && (ch<='F')); } bool isAlpha(char ch) { return ((ch>='a') && (ch<='z')) || ((ch>='A') && (ch<='Z')) || ch=='_'; } bool isIDString(const char *s) { if (!isAlpha(*s)) return false; while (*s) { if (!(isAlpha(*s) || isNumeric(*s))) return false; s++; } return true; } void replace(string &str, char textFrom, const char *textTo) { int sLen = strlen(textTo); size_t p = str.find(textFrom); while (p != string::npos) { str = str.substr(0, p) + textTo + str.substr(p+1); p = str.find(textFrom, p+sLen); } } /// convert the given string into a quoted string suitable for javascript std::string getJSString(const std::string &str) { std::string nStr = str; for (size_t i=0;idata; dataOwned = false; dataStart = startChar; dataEnd = endChar; reset(); } CScriptLex::~CScriptLex(void) { if (dataOwned) free((void*)data); } void CScriptLex::reset() { dataPos = dataStart; tokenStart = 0; tokenEnd = 0; tokenLastEnd = 0; tk = 0; tkStr = ""; getNextCh(); getNextCh(); getNextToken(); } void CScriptLex::match(int expected_tk) { if (tk!=expected_tk) { ostringstream errorString; errorString << "Got " << getTokenStr(tk) << " expected " << getTokenStr(expected_tk) << " at " << getPosition(tokenStart) << " in '" << data << "'"; throw new CScriptException(errorString.str()); } getNextToken(); } string CScriptLex::getTokenStr(int token) { if (token>32 && token<128) { char buf[4] = "' '"; buf[1] = token; return buf; } switch (token) { case LEX_EOF : return "EOF"; case LEX_ID : return "ID"; case LEX_INT : return "INT"; case LEX_FLOAT : return "FLOAT"; case LEX_STR : return "STRING"; case LEX_EQUAL : return "=="; case LEX_TYPEEQUAL : return "==="; case LEX_NEQUAL : return "!="; case LEX_NTYPEEQUAL : return "!=="; case LEX_LEQUAL : return "<="; case LEX_GEQUAL : return ">="; case LEX_PLUSEQUAL : return "+="; case LEX_MINUSEQUAL : return "-="; case LEX_PLUSPLUS : return "++"; case LEX_MINUSMINUS : return "--"; case LEX_ANDAND : return "&&"; case LEX_OROR : return "||"; // reserved words case LEX_R_IF : return "if"; case LEX_R_ELSE : return "else"; case LEX_R_WHILE : return "while"; case LEX_R_FOR : return "for"; case LEX_R_FUNCTION : return "function"; case LEX_R_RETURN : return "return"; case LEX_R_VAR : return "var"; case LEX_R_TRUE : return "true"; case LEX_R_FALSE : return "false"; case LEX_R_NULL : return "null"; case LEX_R_UNDEFINED : return "undefined"; case LEX_R_NEW : return "new"; } ostringstream msg; msg << "?[" << token << "]"; return msg.str(); } void CScriptLex::getNextCh() { currCh = nextCh; if (dataPos < dataEnd) nextCh = data[dataPos]; else nextCh = 0; dataPos++; } void CScriptLex::getNextToken() { tk = LEX_EOF; tkStr.clear(); while (currCh && isWhitespace(currCh)) getNextCh(); // newline comments if (currCh=='/' && nextCh=='/') { while (currCh && currCh!='\n') getNextCh(); getNextCh(); getNextToken(); return; } // block comments if (currCh=='/' && nextCh=='*') { while (currCh && (currCh!='*' || nextCh!='/')) getNextCh(); getNextCh(); getNextCh(); getNextToken(); return; } // record beginning of this token tokenStart = dataPos-2; // tokens if (isAlpha(currCh)) { // IDs while (isAlpha(currCh) || isNumeric(currCh)) { tkStr += currCh; getNextCh(); } tk = LEX_ID; if (tkStr=="if") tk = LEX_R_IF; else if (tkStr=="else") tk = LEX_R_ELSE; else if (tkStr=="while") tk = LEX_R_WHILE; else if (tkStr=="for") tk = LEX_R_FOR; else if (tkStr=="function") tk = LEX_R_FUNCTION; else if (tkStr=="return") tk = LEX_R_RETURN; else if (tkStr=="var") tk = LEX_R_VAR; else if (tkStr=="true") tk = LEX_R_TRUE; else if (tkStr=="false") tk = LEX_R_FALSE; else if (tkStr=="null") tk = LEX_R_NULL; else if (tkStr=="undefined") tk = LEX_R_UNDEFINED; else if (tkStr=="new") tk = LEX_R_NEW; } else if (isNumeric(currCh)) { // Numbers bool isHex = false; if (currCh=='0') { tkStr += currCh; getNextCh(); } if (currCh=='x') { isHex = true; tkStr += currCh; getNextCh(); } tk = LEX_INT; while (isNumeric(currCh) || (isHex && isHexadecimal(currCh))) { tkStr += currCh; getNextCh(); } if (!isHex && currCh=='.') { tk = LEX_FLOAT; tkStr += '.'; getNextCh(); while (isNumeric(currCh)) { tkStr += currCh; getNextCh(); } } // do fancy e-style floating point if (!isHex && currCh=='e') { tk = LEX_FLOAT; tkStr += currCh; getNextCh(); if (currCh=='-') { tkStr += currCh; getNextCh(); } while (isNumeric(currCh)) { tkStr += currCh; getNextCh(); } } } else if (currCh=='"') { // strings... getNextCh(); while (currCh && currCh!='"') { if (currCh == '\\') { getNextCh(); switch (currCh) { case 'n' : tkStr += '\n'; break; case '"' : tkStr += '"'; break; case '\\' : tkStr += '\\'; break; default: tkStr += currCh; } } else { tkStr += currCh; } getNextCh(); } getNextCh(); tk = LEX_STR; } else if (currCh=='\'') { // strings again... getNextCh(); while (currCh && currCh!='\'') { if (currCh == '\\') { getNextCh(); switch (currCh) { case 'n' : tkStr += '\n'; break; case '\'' : tkStr += '\''; break; case '\\' : tkStr += '\\'; break; default: tkStr += currCh; } } else { tkStr += currCh; } getNextCh(); } getNextCh(); tk = LEX_STR; } else { // single chars tk = currCh; if (currCh) getNextCh(); if (tk=='=' && currCh=='=') { // == tk = LEX_EQUAL; getNextCh(); if (currCh=='=') { // === tk = LEX_TYPEEQUAL; getNextCh(); } } else if (tk=='!' && currCh=='=') { // != tk = LEX_NEQUAL; getNextCh(); if (currCh=='=') { // !== tk = LEX_NTYPEEQUAL; getNextCh(); } } else if (tk=='<' && currCh=='=') { tk = LEX_LEQUAL; getNextCh(); } else if (tk=='>' && currCh=='=') { tk = LEX_GEQUAL; getNextCh(); } else if (tk=='+' && currCh=='=') { tk = LEX_PLUSEQUAL; getNextCh(); } else if (tk=='-' && currCh=='=') { tk = LEX_MINUSEQUAL; getNextCh(); } else if (tk=='+' && currCh=='+') { tk = LEX_PLUSPLUS; getNextCh(); } else if (tk=='-' && currCh=='-') { tk = LEX_MINUSMINUS; getNextCh(); } else if (tk=='&' && currCh=='&') { tk = LEX_ANDAND; getNextCh(); } else if (tk=='|' && currCh=='|') { tk = LEX_OROR; getNextCh(); } } /* This isn't quite right yet */ tokenLastEnd = tokenEnd; tokenEnd = dataPos-3; } string CScriptLex::getSubString(int lastPosition) { int lastCharIdx = tokenLastEnd+1; if (lastCharIdx < dataEnd) { /* save a memory alloc by using our data array to create the substring */ char old = data[lastCharIdx]; data[lastCharIdx] = 0; std::string value = &data[lastPosition]; data[lastCharIdx] = old; return value; } else { return std::string(&data[lastPosition]); } } CScriptLex *CScriptLex::getSubLex(int lastPosition) { int lastCharIdx = tokenLastEnd+1; if (lastCharIdx < dataEnd) return new CScriptLex( this, lastPosition, lastCharIdx); else return new CScriptLex( this, lastPosition, dataEnd ); } string CScriptLex::getPosition(int pos) { int line = 1,col = 1; for (int i=0;iname = name; this->nextSibling = 0; this->prevSibling = 0; this->var = var->ref(); this->owned = false; } CScriptVarLink::~CScriptVarLink() { #if DEBUG_MEMORY mark_deallocated(this); #endif var->unref(); } CScriptVarLink::CScriptVarLink(const CScriptVarLink &link) { // Copy constructor #if DEBUG_MEMORY mark_allocated(this); #endif this->name = link.name; this->nextSibling = 0; this->prevSibling = 0; this->var = link.var->ref(); this->owned = false; } void CScriptVarLink::replaceWith(CScriptVar *newVar) { CScriptVar *oldVar = var; var = newVar->ref(); oldVar->unref(); } void CScriptVarLink::replaceWith(CScriptVarLink *newVar) { if (newVar) replaceWith(newVar->var); else replaceWith(new CScriptVar()); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CSCRIPTVAR CScriptVar::CScriptVar() { refs = 0; #if DEBUG_MEMORY mark_allocated(this); #endif init(); flags = SCRIPTVAR_UNDEFINED; data = TINYJS_BLANK_DATA; } CScriptVar::CScriptVar(const string &str) { refs = 0; #if DEBUG_MEMORY mark_allocated(this); #endif init(); flags = SCRIPTVAR_STRING; data = str; } CScriptVar::CScriptVar(const string &varData, int varFlags) { refs = 0; #if DEBUG_MEMORY mark_allocated(this); #endif init(); flags = varFlags; data = varData; } CScriptVar::CScriptVar(double val) { refs = 0; #if DEBUG_MEMORY mark_allocated(this); #endif init(); setDouble(val); } CScriptVar::CScriptVar(int val) { refs = 0; #if DEBUG_MEMORY mark_allocated(this); #endif init(); setInt(val); } CScriptVar::~CScriptVar(void) { #if DEBUG_MEMORY mark_deallocated(this); #endif removeAllChildren(); } void CScriptVar::init() { firstChild = 0; lastChild = 0; flags = 0; jsCallback = 0; jsCallbackUserData = 0; } CScriptVar *CScriptVar::getReturnVar() { return getParameter(TINYJS_RETURN_VAR); } void CScriptVar::setReturnVar(CScriptVar *var) { findChildOrCreate(TINYJS_RETURN_VAR)->replaceWith(var); } CScriptVar *CScriptVar::getParameter(const std::string &name) { return findChildOrCreate(name)->var; } CScriptVarLink *CScriptVar::findChild(const string &childName) { CScriptVarLink *v = firstChild; while (v) { if (v->name.compare(childName)==0) return v; v = v->nextSibling; } return 0; } CScriptVarLink *CScriptVar::findChildOrCreate(const string &childName, int varFlags) { CScriptVarLink *l = findChild(childName); if (l) return l; return addChild(childName, new CScriptVar(TINYJS_BLANK_DATA, varFlags)); } CScriptVarLink *CScriptVar::findChildOrCreateByPath(const std::string &path) { size_t p = path.find('.'); if (p == string::npos) return findChildOrCreate(path); return findChildOrCreate(path.substr(0,p), SCRIPTVAR_OBJECT)->var-> findChildOrCreateByPath(path.substr(p+1)); } CScriptVarLink *CScriptVar::addChild(const std::string &childName, CScriptVar *child) { if (isUndefined()) { flags = SCRIPTVAR_OBJECT; } // if no child supplied, create one if (!child) child = new CScriptVar(); CScriptVarLink *link = new CScriptVarLink(child, childName); link->owned = true; if (lastChild) { lastChild->nextSibling = link; link->prevSibling = lastChild; lastChild = link; } else { firstChild = link; lastChild = link; } return link; } CScriptVarLink *CScriptVar::addChildNoDup(const std::string &childName, CScriptVar *child) { // if no child supplied, create one if (!child) child = new CScriptVar(); CScriptVarLink *v = findChild(childName); if (v) { v->replaceWith(child); } else { v = addChild(childName, child); } return v; } void CScriptVar::removeChild(CScriptVar *child) { CScriptVarLink *link = firstChild; while (link) { if (link->var == child) break; link = link->nextSibling; } ASSERT(link); removeLink(link); } void CScriptVar::removeLink(CScriptVarLink *link) { if (!link) return; if (link->nextSibling) link->nextSibling->prevSibling = link->prevSibling; if (link->prevSibling) link->prevSibling->nextSibling = link->nextSibling; if (lastChild == link) lastChild = link->prevSibling; if (firstChild == link) firstChild = link->nextSibling; delete link; } void CScriptVar::removeAllChildren() { CScriptVarLink *c = firstChild; while (c) { CScriptVarLink *t = c->nextSibling; delete c; c = t; } firstChild = 0; lastChild = 0; } CScriptVar *CScriptVar::getArrayIndex(int idx) { char sIdx[64]; sprintf(sIdx, "%d", idx); CScriptVarLink *link = findChild(sIdx); if (link) return link->var; else return new CScriptVar(TINYJS_BLANK_DATA, SCRIPTVAR_NULL); // undefined } void CScriptVar::setArrayIndex(int idx, CScriptVar *value) { char sIdx[64]; sprintf(sIdx, "%d", idx); CScriptVarLink *link = findChild(sIdx); if (link) { if (value->isUndefined()) removeLink(link); else link->replaceWith(value); } else { if (!value->isUndefined()) addChild(sIdx, value); } } int CScriptVar::getArrayLength() { int highest = -1; if (!isArray()) return 0; CScriptVarLink *link = firstChild; while (link) { if (isNumber(link->name)) { int val = atoi(link->name.c_str()); if (val > highest) highest = val; } link = link->nextSibling; } return highest+1; } int CScriptVar::getChildren() { int n = 0; CScriptVarLink *link = firstChild; while (link) { n++; link = link->nextSibling; } return n; } int CScriptVar::getInt() { /* strtol understands about hex and octal */ if (isInt()) return strtol(data.c_str(),0,0); if (isNull()) return 0; if (isUndefined()) return 0; if (isDouble()) return (int)getDouble(); return 0; } double CScriptVar::getDouble() { if (isDouble()) return strtod(data.c_str(),0); if (isInt()) return getInt(); if (isNull()) return 0; if (isUndefined()) return 0; return 0; /* or NaN? */ } const string &CScriptVar::getString() { /* Because we can't return a string that is generated on demand. * I should really just use char* :) */ static string s_null = "null"; static string s_undefined = "undefined"; if (isNull()) return s_null; if (isUndefined()) return s_undefined; return data; } void CScriptVar::setInt(int val) { char buf[256]; sprintf(buf, "%d", val); flags = (flags&~SCRIPTVAR_VARTYPEMASK) | SCRIPTVAR_INTEGER; data = buf; } void CScriptVar::setDouble(double val) { char buf[256]; sprintf(buf, "%lf", val); flags = (flags&~SCRIPTVAR_VARTYPEMASK) | SCRIPTVAR_DOUBLE; data = buf; } void CScriptVar::setString(const string &str) { // name sure it's not still a number or integer flags = (flags&~SCRIPTVAR_VARTYPEMASK) | SCRIPTVAR_STRING; data = str; } void CScriptVar::setUndefined() { // name sure it's not still a number or integer flags = (flags&~SCRIPTVAR_VARTYPEMASK) | SCRIPTVAR_UNDEFINED; data = TINYJS_BLANK_DATA; removeAllChildren(); } CScriptVar *CScriptVar::mathsOp(CScriptVar *b, int op) { CScriptVar *a = this; // TODO Equality checks on classes/structures // Type equality check if (op == LEX_TYPEEQUAL || op == LEX_NTYPEEQUAL) { bool eql = ((a->flags & SCRIPTVAR_VARTYPEMASK) == (b->flags & SCRIPTVAR_VARTYPEMASK)) && a->data == b->data; if (op == LEX_TYPEEQUAL) return new CScriptVar(eql); else return new CScriptVar(!eql); } // do maths... if (a->isUndefined() && b->isUndefined()) { if (op == LEX_EQUAL) return new CScriptVar(true); else if (op == LEX_NEQUAL) return new CScriptVar(false); else return new CScriptVar(); // undefined } else if ((a->isNumeric() || a->isUndefined()) && (b->isNumeric() || b->isUndefined())) { if (!a->isDouble() && !b->isDouble()) { // use ints int da = a->getInt(); int db = b->getInt(); switch (op) { case '+': return new CScriptVar(da+db); case '-': return new CScriptVar(da-db); case '*': return new CScriptVar(da*db); case '/': return new CScriptVar(da/db); case '&': return new CScriptVar(da&db); case '|': return new CScriptVar(da|db); case '^': return new CScriptVar(da^db); case '%': return new CScriptVar(da%db); case LEX_EQUAL: return new CScriptVar(da==db); case LEX_NEQUAL: return new CScriptVar(da!=db); case '<': return new CScriptVar(da': return new CScriptVar(da>db); case LEX_GEQUAL: return new CScriptVar(da>=db); default: throw new CScriptException("This operation not supported on the int datatype"); } } else { // use doubles double da = a->getDouble(); double db = b->getDouble(); switch (op) { case '+': return new CScriptVar(da+db); case '-': return new CScriptVar(da-db); case '*': return new CScriptVar(da*db); case '/': return new CScriptVar(da/db); case LEX_EQUAL: return new CScriptVar(da==db); case LEX_NEQUAL: return new CScriptVar(da!=db); case '<': return new CScriptVar(da': return new CScriptVar(da>db); case LEX_GEQUAL: return new CScriptVar(da>=db); default: throw new CScriptException("This operation not supported on the double datatype"); } } } else { string da = a->getString(); string db = b->getString(); // use strings switch (op) { case '+': return new CScriptVar(da+db, SCRIPTVAR_STRING); case LEX_EQUAL: return new CScriptVar(da==db); case LEX_NEQUAL: return new CScriptVar(da!=db); case '<': return new CScriptVar(da': return new CScriptVar(da>db); case LEX_GEQUAL: return new CScriptVar(da>=db); default: throw new CScriptException("This operation not supported on the string datatype"); } } ASSERT(0); return 0; } void CScriptVar::copyValue(CScriptVar *val) { if (val) { // we *don't* copy the name data = val->data; flags = (flags & ~SCRIPTVAR_VARTYPEMASK) | (val->flags & SCRIPTVAR_VARTYPEMASK); // remove all current children removeAllChildren(); // copy children of 'val' CScriptVarLink *child = val->firstChild; while (child) { CScriptVar *copied; // don't copy the 'parent' object... if (child->name != TINYJS_PROTOTYPE_CLASS) copied = child->var->deepCopy(); else copied = child->var; addChild(child->name, copied); child = child->nextSibling; } } else { setUndefined(); } } CScriptVar *CScriptVar::deepCopy() { CScriptVar *newVar = new CScriptVar(data, flags); // copy children CScriptVarLink *child = firstChild; while (child) { CScriptVar *copied; // don't copy the 'parent' object... if (child->name != TINYJS_PROTOTYPE_CLASS) copied = child->var->deepCopy(); else copied = child->var; newVar->addChild(child->name, copied); child = child->nextSibling; } return newVar; } void CScriptVar::trace(string indentStr, const string &name) { TRACE("%s'%s' = '%s' %s\n", indentStr.c_str(), name.c_str(), data.c_str(), getFlagsAsString().c_str()); string indent = indentStr+" "; CScriptVarLink *link = firstChild; while (link) { link->var->trace(indent, link->name); link = link->nextSibling; } } string CScriptVar::getFlagsAsString() { string flagstr = ""; if (flags&SCRIPTVAR_FUNCTION) flagstr = flagstr + "FUNCTION "; if (flags&SCRIPTVAR_OBJECT) flagstr = flagstr + "OBJECT "; if (flags&SCRIPTVAR_ARRAY) flagstr = flagstr + "ARRAY "; if (flags&SCRIPTVAR_NATIVE) flagstr = flagstr + "NATIVE "; if (flags&SCRIPTVAR_DOUBLE) flagstr = flagstr + "DOUBLE "; if (flags&SCRIPTVAR_INTEGER) flagstr = flagstr + "INTEGER "; if (flags&SCRIPTVAR_STRING) flagstr = flagstr + "STRING "; return flagstr; } string CScriptVar::getParsableString() { // Numbers can just be put in directly if (isNumeric()) return getString(); if (isFunction()) { ostringstream funcStr; funcStr << "function ("; // get list of parameters CScriptVarLink *link = firstChild; while (link) { funcStr << link->name; if (link->nextSibling) funcStr << ","; link = link->nextSibling; } // add function body funcStr << ") " << getString(); return funcStr.str(); } // if it is a string then we quote it if (isString()) return getJSString(getString()); if (isNull()) return "null"; return "undefined"; } void CScriptVar::getJSON(ostringstream &destination, const string linePrefix) { if (isObject()) { string indentedLinePrefix = linePrefix+" "; // children - handle with bracketed list destination << "{ \n"; CScriptVarLink *link = firstChild; while (link) { destination << indentedLinePrefix; if (isAlphaNum(link->name)) destination << link->name; else destination << getJSString(link->name); destination << " : "; link->var->getJSON(destination, indentedLinePrefix); link = link->nextSibling; if (link) { destination << ",\n"; } } destination << "\n" << linePrefix << "}"; } else if (isArray()) { string indentedLinePrefix = linePrefix+" "; destination << "[\n"; int len = getArrayLength(); if (len>10000) len=10000; // we don't want to get stuck here! for (int i=0;igetJSON(destination, indentedLinePrefix); if (iref(); // Add built-in classes stringClass = (new CScriptVar(TINYJS_BLANK_DATA, SCRIPTVAR_OBJECT))->ref(); arrayClass = (new CScriptVar(TINYJS_BLANK_DATA, SCRIPTVAR_OBJECT))->ref(); objectClass = (new CScriptVar(TINYJS_BLANK_DATA, SCRIPTVAR_OBJECT))->ref(); root->addChild("String", stringClass); root->addChild("Array", arrayClass); root->addChild("Object", objectClass); } CTinyJS::~CTinyJS() { ASSERT(!l); scopes.clear(); stringClass->unref(); objectClass->unref(); root->unref(); #if DEBUG_MEMORY show_allocated(); #endif } void CTinyJS::trace() { root->trace(); } void CTinyJS::execute(const string &code) { CScriptLex *oldLex = l; vector oldScopes = scopes; l = new CScriptLex(code); scopes.clear(); scopes.push_back(root); try { bool execute = true; while (l->tk) statement(execute); } catch (CScriptException *e) { ostringstream msg; msg << "Error " << e->text << " at " << l->getPosition(l->tokenLastEnd); delete l; l = oldLex; throw new CScriptException(msg.str()); } delete l; l = oldLex; scopes = oldScopes; } CScriptVarLink CTinyJS::evaluateComplex(const string &code) { CScriptLex *oldLex = l; vector oldScopes = scopes; l = new CScriptLex(code); scopes.clear(); scopes.push_back(root); CScriptVarLink *v = 0; try { bool execute = true; v = base(execute); } catch (CScriptException *e) { ostringstream msg; msg << "Error " << e->text << " at " << l->getPosition(l->tokenLastEnd); delete l; l = oldLex; throw new CScriptException(msg.str()); } delete l; l = oldLex; scopes = oldScopes; if (v) return *v; // return undefined... return CScriptVarLink(new CScriptVar()); } string CTinyJS::evaluate(const string &code) { return evaluateComplex(code).var->getString(); } void CTinyJS::parseFunctionArguments(CScriptVar *funcVar) { l->match('('); while (l->tk!=')') { funcVar->addChildNoDup(l->tkStr); l->match(LEX_ID); if (l->tk!=')') l->match(','); } l->match(')'); } void CTinyJS::addNative(const string &funcDesc, JSCallback ptr, void *userdata) { CScriptLex *oldLex = l; l = new CScriptLex(funcDesc); CScriptVar *base = root; l->match(LEX_R_FUNCTION); string funcName = l->tkStr; l->match(LEX_ID); /* Check for dots, we might want to do something like function String.substring ... */ while (l->tk == '.') { l->match('.'); CScriptVarLink *link = base->findChild(funcName); // if it doesn't exist, make an object class if (!link) link = base->addChild(funcName, new CScriptVar(TINYJS_BLANK_DATA, SCRIPTVAR_OBJECT)); base = link->var; funcName = l->tkStr; l->match(LEX_ID); } CScriptVar *funcVar = new CScriptVar(TINYJS_BLANK_DATA, SCRIPTVAR_FUNCTION | SCRIPTVAR_NATIVE); funcVar->setCallback(ptr, userdata); parseFunctionArguments(funcVar); delete l; l = oldLex; base->addChild(funcName, funcVar); } CScriptVarLink *CTinyJS::parseFunctionDefinition() { // actually parse a function... l->match(LEX_R_FUNCTION); string funcName = TINYJS_TEMP_NAME; /* we can have functions without names */ if (l->tk==LEX_ID) { funcName = l->tkStr; l->match(LEX_ID); } CScriptVarLink *funcVar = new CScriptVarLink(new CScriptVar(TINYJS_BLANK_DATA, SCRIPTVAR_FUNCTION), funcName); parseFunctionArguments(funcVar->var); int funcBegin = l->tokenStart; bool noexecute = false; block(noexecute); funcVar->var->data = l->getSubString(funcBegin); return funcVar; } CScriptVarLink *CTinyJS::factor(bool &execute) { if (l->tk=='(') { l->match('('); CScriptVarLink *a = base(execute); l->match(')'); return a; } if (l->tk==LEX_R_TRUE) { l->match(LEX_R_TRUE); return new CScriptVarLink(new CScriptVar(1)); } if (l->tk==LEX_R_FALSE) { l->match(LEX_R_FALSE); return new CScriptVarLink(new CScriptVar(0)); } if (l->tk==LEX_R_NULL) { l->match(LEX_R_NULL); return new CScriptVarLink(new CScriptVar(TINYJS_BLANK_DATA,SCRIPTVAR_NULL)); } if (l->tk==LEX_R_UNDEFINED) { l->match(LEX_R_UNDEFINED); return new CScriptVarLink(new CScriptVar(TINYJS_BLANK_DATA,SCRIPTVAR_UNDEFINED)); } if (l->tk==LEX_ID) { CScriptVarLink *a = execute ? findInScopes(l->tkStr) : new CScriptVarLink(new CScriptVar()); /* The parent if we're executing a method call */ CScriptVar *parent = 0; if (execute && !a) { /* Variable doesn't exist! JavaScript says we should create it * (we won't add it here. This is done in the assignment operator)*/ a = new CScriptVarLink(new CScriptVar(), l->tkStr); } l->match(LEX_ID); while (l->tk=='(' || l->tk=='.' || l->tk=='[') { if (l->tk=='(') { // ------------------------------------- Function Call if (execute) { if (!a->var->isFunction()) { string errorMsg = "Expecting '"; errorMsg = errorMsg + a->name + "' to be a function"; throw new CScriptException(errorMsg.c_str()); } l->match('('); // create a new symbol table entry for execution of this function CScriptVar *functionRoot = new CScriptVar(TINYJS_BLANK_DATA, SCRIPTVAR_FUNCTION); if (parent) functionRoot->addChildNoDup("this", parent); // grab in all parameters CScriptVarLink *v = a->var->firstChild; while (v) { CScriptVarLink *value = base(execute); if (execute) { if (value->var->isBasic()) { // pass by value functionRoot->addChild(v->name, value->var->deepCopy()); } else { // pass by reference functionRoot->addChild(v->name, value->var); } } CLEAN(value); if (l->tk!=')') l->match(','); v = v->nextSibling; } l->match(')'); // setup a return variable CScriptVarLink *returnVar = NULL; // execute function! // add the function's execute space to the symbol table so we can recurse CScriptVarLink *returnVarLink = functionRoot->addChild(TINYJS_RETURN_VAR); scopes.push_back(functionRoot); if (a->var->isNative()) { ASSERT(a->var->jsCallback); a->var->jsCallback(functionRoot, a->var->jsCallbackUserData); } else { /* we just want to execute the block, but something could * have messed up and left us with the wrong ScriptLex, so * we want to be careful here... */ CScriptException *exception = 0; CScriptLex *oldLex = l; CScriptLex *newLex = new CScriptLex(a->var->getString()); l = newLex; try { block(execute); // because return will probably have called this, and set execute to false execute = true; } catch (CScriptException *e) { exception = e; } delete newLex; l = oldLex; if (exception) throw exception; } scopes.pop_back(); /* get the real return var before we remove it from our function */ returnVar = new CScriptVarLink(returnVarLink->var); functionRoot->removeLink(returnVarLink); delete functionRoot; if (returnVar) a = returnVar; else a = new CScriptVarLink(new CScriptVar()); } else { // function, but not executing - just parse args and be done l->match('('); while (l->tk != ')') { CScriptVarLink *value = base(execute); CLEAN(value); if (l->tk!=')') l->match(','); } l->match(')'); if (l->tk == '{') { block(execute); } } } else if (l->tk == '.') { // ------------------------------------- Record Access l->match('.'); if (execute) { const string &name = l->tkStr; CScriptVarLink *child = a->var->findChild(name); if (!child) child = findInParentClasses(a->var, name); if (!child) { /* if we haven't found this defined yet, use the built-in 'length' properly */ if (a->var->isArray() && name == "length") { int l = a->var->getArrayLength(); child = new CScriptVarLink(new CScriptVar(l)); } else if (a->var->isString() && name == "length") { int l = a->var->getString().size(); child = new CScriptVarLink(new CScriptVar(l)); } else { child = a->var->addChild(name); } } parent = a->var; a = child; } l->match(LEX_ID); } else if (l->tk == '[') { // ------------------------------------- Array Access l->match('['); CScriptVarLink *index = expression(execute); l->match(']'); if (execute) { CScriptVarLink *child = a->var->findChildOrCreate(index->var->getString()); parent = a->var; a = child; } CLEAN(index); } else ASSERT(0); } return a; } if (l->tk==LEX_INT || l->tk==LEX_FLOAT) { CScriptVar *a = new CScriptVar(l->tkStr, ((l->tk==LEX_INT)?SCRIPTVAR_INTEGER:SCRIPTVAR_DOUBLE)); l->match(l->tk); return new CScriptVarLink(a); } if (l->tk==LEX_STR) { CScriptVar *a = new CScriptVar(l->tkStr, SCRIPTVAR_STRING); l->match(LEX_STR); return new CScriptVarLink(a); } if (l->tk=='{') { CScriptVar *contents = new CScriptVar(TINYJS_BLANK_DATA, SCRIPTVAR_OBJECT); /* JSON-style object definition */ l->match('{'); while (l->tk != '}') { string id = l->tkStr; // we only allow strings or IDs on the left hand side of an initialisation if (l->tk==LEX_STR) l->match(LEX_STR); else l->match(LEX_ID); l->match(':'); if (execute) { CScriptVarLink *a = base(execute); contents->addChild(id, a->var); CLEAN(a); } // no need to clean here, as it will definitely be used if (l->tk != '}') l->match(','); } l->match('}'); return new CScriptVarLink(contents); } if (l->tk=='[') { CScriptVar *contents = new CScriptVar(TINYJS_BLANK_DATA, SCRIPTVAR_ARRAY); /* JSON-style array */ l->match('['); int idx = 0; while (l->tk != ']') { if (execute) { char idx_str[16]; // big enough for 2^32 sprintf(idx_str,"%d",idx); CScriptVarLink *a = base(execute); contents->addChild(idx_str, a->var); CLEAN(a); } // no need to clean here, as it will definitely be used if (l->tk != ']') l->match(','); idx++; } l->match(']'); return new CScriptVarLink(contents); } if (l->tk==LEX_R_FUNCTION) { CScriptVarLink *funcVar = parseFunctionDefinition(); if (funcVar->name != TINYJS_TEMP_NAME) TRACE("Functions not defined at statement-level are not meant to have a name"); return funcVar; } if (l->tk==LEX_R_NEW) { // new -> create a new object l->match(LEX_R_NEW); const string &className = l->tkStr; if (execute) { CScriptVarLink *objClass = findInScopes(className); if (!objClass) { TRACE("%s is not a valid class name", className.c_str()); return new CScriptVarLink(new CScriptVar()); } l->match(LEX_ID); CScriptVar *obj = new CScriptVar(TINYJS_BLANK_DATA, SCRIPTVAR_OBJECT); obj->addChild(TINYJS_PROTOTYPE_CLASS, objClass->var); if (l->tk == '(') { l->match('('); l->match(')'); } // TODO: Object constructors return new CScriptVarLink(obj); } else { l->match(LEX_ID); if (l->tk == '(') { l->match('('); l->match(')'); } } } // Nothing we can do here... just hope it's the end... l->match(LEX_EOF); return 0; } CScriptVarLink *CTinyJS::unary(bool &execute) { CScriptVarLink *a; if (l->tk=='!') { l->match('!'); // binary not a = factor(execute); if (execute) { CScriptVar zero(0); CScriptVar *res = a->var->mathsOp(&zero, LEX_EQUAL); CREATE_LINK(a, res); } } else a = factor(execute); return a; } CScriptVarLink *CTinyJS::term(bool &execute) { CScriptVarLink *a = unary(execute); while (l->tk=='*' || l->tk=='/' || l->tk=='%') { int op = l->tk; l->match(l->tk); CScriptVarLink *b = unary(execute); if (execute) { CScriptVar *res = a->var->mathsOp(b->var, op); CREATE_LINK(a, res); } CLEAN(b); } return a; } CScriptVarLink *CTinyJS::expression(bool &execute) { bool negate = false; if (l->tk=='-') { l->match('-'); negate = true; } CScriptVarLink *a = term(execute); if (negate) { CScriptVar *zero = new CScriptVar(0); CScriptVar *res = zero->mathsOp(a->var, '-'); CREATE_LINK(a, res); } while (l->tk=='+' || l->tk=='-' || l->tk==LEX_PLUSPLUS || l->tk==LEX_MINUSMINUS) { int op = l->tk; l->match(l->tk); if (op==LEX_PLUSPLUS || op==LEX_MINUSMINUS) { if (execute) { CScriptVar one(1); CScriptVar *res = a->var->mathsOp(&one, op==LEX_PLUSPLUS ? '+' : '-'); // in-place add/subtract a->replaceWith(res); } } else { CScriptVarLink *b = term(execute); if (execute) { // not in-place, so just replace CScriptVar *res = a->var->mathsOp(b->var, op); CREATE_LINK(a, res); } CLEAN(b); } } return a; } CScriptVarLink *CTinyJS::condition(bool &execute) { CScriptVarLink *a = expression(execute); CScriptVarLink *b; while (l->tk==LEX_EQUAL || l->tk==LEX_NEQUAL || l->tk==LEX_TYPEEQUAL || l->tk==LEX_NTYPEEQUAL || l->tk==LEX_LEQUAL || l->tk==LEX_GEQUAL || l->tk=='<' || l->tk=='>') { int op = l->tk; l->match(l->tk); b = expression(execute); if (execute) { CScriptVar *res = a->var->mathsOp(b->var, op); CREATE_LINK(a,res); } CLEAN(b); } return a; } CScriptVarLink *CTinyJS::logic(bool &execute) { CScriptVarLink *a = condition(execute); CScriptVarLink *b; while (l->tk=='&' || l->tk=='|' || l->tk=='^' || l->tk==LEX_ANDAND || l->tk==LEX_OROR) { bool noexecute = false; int op = l->tk; l->match(l->tk); bool shortCircuit = false; bool boolean = false; // if we have short-circuit ops, then if we know the outcome // we don't bother to execute the other op. Even if not // we need to tell mathsOp it's an & or | if (op==LEX_ANDAND) { op = '&'; shortCircuit = !a->var->getBool(); boolean = true; } else if (op==LEX_OROR) { op = '|'; shortCircuit = a->var->getBool(); boolean = true; } b = condition(shortCircuit ? noexecute : execute); if (execute && !shortCircuit) { if (boolean) { CScriptVar *newa = new CScriptVar(a->var->getBool()); CScriptVar *newb = new CScriptVar(b->var->getBool()); CREATE_LINK(a, newa); CREATE_LINK(b, newb); } CScriptVar *res = a->var->mathsOp(b->var, op); CREATE_LINK(a, res); } CLEAN(b); } return a; } CScriptVarLink *CTinyJS::base(bool &execute) { CScriptVarLink *lhs = logic(execute); if (l->tk=='=' || l->tk==LEX_PLUSEQUAL || l->tk==LEX_MINUSEQUAL) { /* If we're assigning to this and we don't have a parent, * add it to the symbol table root as per JavaScript. */ if (execute && !lhs->owned) { if (lhs->name.length()>0) { CScriptVarLink *realLhs = root->addChildNoDup(lhs->name, lhs->var); CLEAN(lhs); lhs = realLhs; } else TRACE("Trying to assign to an un-named type\n"); } int op = l->tk; l->match(l->tk); CScriptVarLink *rhs = base(execute); if (execute) { if (op=='=') { lhs->replaceWith(rhs); } else if (op==LEX_PLUSEQUAL) { CScriptVar *res = lhs->var->mathsOp(rhs->var, '+'); lhs->replaceWith(res); } else if (op==LEX_MINUSEQUAL) { CScriptVar *res = lhs->var->mathsOp(rhs->var, '-'); lhs->replaceWith(res); } else ASSERT(0); } CLEAN(rhs); } return lhs; } void CTinyJS::block(bool &execute) { // TODO: fast skip of blocks l->match('{'); if (execute) { while (l->tk && l->tk!='}') statement(execute); l->match('}'); } else { int brackets = 1; while (l->tk && brackets) { if (l->tk == '{') brackets++; if (l->tk == '}') brackets--; l->match(l->tk); } } } void CTinyJS::statement(bool &execute) { if (l->tk==LEX_ID || l->tk==LEX_INT || l->tk==LEX_FLOAT || l->tk==LEX_STR || l->tk=='-') { /* Execute a simple statement that only contains basic arithmetic... */ CLEAN(base(execute)); l->match(';'); } else if (l->tk=='{') { /* A block of code */ block(execute); } else if (l->tk==';') { /* Empty statement - to allow things like ;;; */ l->match(';'); } else if (l->tk==LEX_R_VAR) { /* variable creation. TODO - we need a better way of parsing the left * hand side. Maybe just have a flag called can_create_var that we * set and then we parse as if we're doing a normal equals.*/ l->match(LEX_R_VAR); CScriptVarLink *a = 0; if (execute) a = scopes.back()->findChildOrCreate(l->tkStr); l->match(LEX_ID); // now do stuff defined with dots while (l->tk == '.') { l->match('.'); if (execute) { CScriptVarLink *lastA = a; a = lastA->var->findChildOrCreate(l->tkStr); } l->match(LEX_ID); } // sort out initialiser if (l->tk == '=') { l->match('='); CScriptVarLink *var = base(execute); if (execute) a->replaceWith(var); CLEAN(var); } l->match(';'); } else if (l->tk==LEX_R_IF) { l->match(LEX_R_IF); l->match('('); CScriptVarLink *var = base(execute); l->match(')'); bool cond = execute && var->var->getBool(); CLEAN(var); bool noexecute = false; // because we need to be abl;e to write to it statement(cond ? execute : noexecute); if (l->tk==LEX_R_ELSE) { l->match(LEX_R_ELSE); statement(cond ? noexecute : execute); } } else if (l->tk==LEX_R_WHILE) { // We do repetition by pulling out the string representing our statement // there's definitely some opportunity for optimisation here l->match(LEX_R_WHILE); l->match('('); int whileCondStart = l->tokenStart; bool noexecute = false; CScriptVarLink *cond = base(execute); bool loopCond = execute && cond->var->getBool(); CLEAN(cond); CScriptLex *whileCond = l->getSubLex(whileCondStart); l->match(')'); int whileBodyStart = l->tokenStart; statement(loopCond ? execute : noexecute); CScriptLex *whileBody = l->getSubLex(whileBodyStart); CScriptLex *oldLex = l; int loopCount = TINYJS_LOOP_MAX_ITERATIONS; while (loopCond && loopCount-->0) { whileCond->reset(); l = whileCond; cond = base(execute); loopCond = execute && cond->var->getBool(); CLEAN(cond); if (loopCond) { whileBody->reset(); l = whileBody; statement(execute); } } l = oldLex; delete whileCond; delete whileBody; if (loopCount<=0) { root->trace(); TRACE("WHILE Loop exceeded %d iterations at %s\n", TINYJS_LOOP_MAX_ITERATIONS, l->getPosition(l->tokenLastEnd).c_str()); throw new CScriptException("LOOP_ERROR"); } } else if (l->tk==LEX_R_FOR) { l->match(LEX_R_FOR); l->match('('); statement(execute); // initialisation //l->match(';'); int forCondStart = l->tokenStart; bool noexecute = false; CScriptVarLink *cond = base(execute); // condition bool loopCond = execute && cond->var->getBool(); CLEAN(cond); CScriptLex *forCond = l->getSubLex(forCondStart); l->match(';'); int forIterStart = l->tokenStart; base(noexecute); // iterator CScriptLex *forIter = l->getSubLex(forIterStart); l->match(')'); int forBodyStart = l->tokenStart; statement(loopCond ? execute : noexecute); CScriptLex *forBody = l->getSubLex(forBodyStart); CScriptLex *oldLex = l; if (loopCond) { forIter->reset(); l = forIter; base(execute); } int loopCount = TINYJS_LOOP_MAX_ITERATIONS; while (execute && loopCond && loopCount-->0) { forCond->reset(); l = forCond; cond = base(execute); loopCond = cond->var->getBool(); CLEAN(cond); if (execute && loopCond) { forBody->reset(); l = forBody; statement(execute); } if (execute && loopCond) { forIter->reset(); l = forIter; base(execute); } } l = oldLex; delete forCond; delete forIter; delete forBody; if (loopCount<=0) { root->trace(); TRACE("FOR Loop exceeded %d iterations at %s\n", TINYJS_LOOP_MAX_ITERATIONS, l->getPosition(l->tokenLastEnd).c_str()); throw new CScriptException("LOOP_ERROR"); } } else if (l->tk==LEX_R_RETURN) { l->match(LEX_R_RETURN); CScriptVarLink *result = 0; if (l->tk != ';') result = base(execute); if (execute) { CScriptVarLink *resultVar = scopes.back()->findChild(TINYJS_RETURN_VAR); if (resultVar) resultVar->replaceWith(result); else TRACE("RETURN statement, but not in a function.\n"); execute = false; } CLEAN(result); l->match(';'); } else if (l->tk==LEX_R_FUNCTION) { CScriptVarLink *funcVar = parseFunctionDefinition(); if (execute) { if (funcVar->name == TINYJS_TEMP_NAME) TRACE("Functions defined at statement-level are meant to have a name\n"); else scopes.back()->addChildNoDup(funcVar->name, funcVar->var); } CLEAN(funcVar); } else l->match(LEX_EOF); } /// Get the value of the given variable, or return 0 const string *CTinyJS::getVariable(const string &path) { // traverse path size_t prevIdx = 0; size_t thisIdx = path.find('.'); if (thisIdx == string::npos) thisIdx = path.length(); CScriptVar *var = root; while (var && prevIdxfindChild(el); var = varl?varl->var:0; prevIdx = thisIdx+1; thisIdx = path.find('.', prevIdx); if (thisIdx == string::npos) thisIdx = path.length(); } // return result if (var) return &var->getString(); else return 0; } /// Finds a child, looking recursively up the scopes CScriptVarLink *CTinyJS::findInScopes(const std::string &childName) { for (int s=scopes.size()-1;s>=0;s--) { CScriptVarLink *v = scopes[s]->findChild(childName); if (v) return v; } return NULL; } /// Look up in any parent classes of the given object CScriptVarLink *CTinyJS::findInParentClasses(CScriptVar *object, const std::string &name) { // Look for links to actual parent classes CScriptVarLink *parentClass = object->findChild(TINYJS_PROTOTYPE_CLASS); while (parentClass) { CScriptVarLink *implementation = parentClass->var->findChild(name); if (implementation) return implementation; parentClass = parentClass->var->findChild(TINYJS_PROTOTYPE_CLASS); } // else fake it for strings and finally objects if (object->isString()) { CScriptVarLink *implementation = stringClass->findChild(name); if (implementation) return implementation; } if (object->isArray()) { CScriptVarLink *implementation = arrayClass->findChild(name); if (implementation) return implementation; } CScriptVarLink *implementation = objectClass->findChild(name); if (implementation) return implementation; return 0; }