// built-in functions foo = "foo bar stuff"; // 42-tiny-js change begin ---> // in JavaScript this function is called Math.random() //r = Math.rand(); r = Math.random(); //<--- 42-tiny-js change end // 42-tiny-js change begin ---> // in JavaScript parseInt is a methode in the global scope (root-scope) //parsed = Integer.parseInt("42"); parsed = parseInt("42"); //<--- 42-tiny-js change end aStr = "ABCD"; aChar = aStr.charAt(0); obj1 = new Object(); obj1.food = "cake"; obj1.desert = "pie"; obj2 = obj1.clone(); obj2.food = "kittens"; result = foo.length==13 && foo.indexOf("bar")==4 && foo.substring(8,13)=="stuff" && parsed==42 && // 42-tiny-js change begin ---> // in 42tiny-js the Integer-Objecte will be removed // Integer.valueOf can be replaced by String.charCodeAt // Integer.valueOf(aChar)==65 && obj1.food=="cake" && obj2.desert=="pie"; aChar.charCodeAt()==65 && obj1.food=="cake" && obj2.desert=="pie"; //<--- 42-tiny-js change end