/* * TinyJS * * A single-file Javascript-alike engine * * Authored By Gordon Williams * * Copyright (C) 2009 Pur3 Ltd * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "TinyJS_Functions.h" #include #include #include using namespace std; // ----------------------------------------------- Actual Functions void scTrace(CScriptVar *c, void *userdata) { CTinyJS *js = (CTinyJS*)userdata; js->root->trace(); } void scObjectDump(CScriptVar *c, void *) { c->getParameter("this")->trace("> "); } void scObjectClone(CScriptVar *c, void *) { CScriptVar *obj = c->getParameter("this"); c->getReturnVar()->copyValue(obj); } void scMathRand(CScriptVar *c, void *) { c->getReturnVar()->setDouble((double)rand()/RAND_MAX); } void scMathRandInt(CScriptVar *c, void *) { int min = c->getParameter("min")->getInt(); int max = c->getParameter("max")->getInt(); int val = min + (int)((long)rand()*(1+max-min)/RAND_MAX); if (val>max) val=max; c->getReturnVar()->setInt(val); } void scCharToInt(CScriptVar *c, void *) { string str = c->getParameter("ch")->getString();; int val = 0; if (str.length()>0) val = (int)str.c_str()[0]; c->getReturnVar()->setInt(val); } void scStringIndexOf(CScriptVar *c, void *) { string str = c->getParameter("this")->getString(); string search = c->getParameter("search")->getString(); size_t p = str.find(search); int val = (p==string::npos) ? -1 : p; c->getReturnVar()->setInt(val); } void scStringSubstring(CScriptVar *c, void *) { string str = c->getParameter("this")->getString(); int lo = c->getParameter("lo")->getInt(); int hi = c->getParameter("hi")->getInt(); int l = hi-lo; if (l>0 && lo>=0 && lo+l<=(int)str.length()) c->getReturnVar()->setString(str.substr(lo, l)); else c->getReturnVar()->setString(""); } void scStringCharAt(CScriptVar *c, void *) { string str = c->getParameter("this")->getString(); int p = c->getParameter("pos")->getInt(); if (p>=0 && p<(int)str.length()) c->getReturnVar()->setString(str.substr(p, 1)); else c->getReturnVar()->setString(""); } void scStringCharCodeAt(CScriptVar *c, void *) { string str = c->getParameter("this")->getString(); int p = c->getParameter("pos")->getInt(); if (p>=0 && p<(int)str.length()) c->getReturnVar()->setInt(str.at(p)); else c->getReturnVar()->setInt(0); } void scStringSplit(CScriptVar *c, void *) { string str = c->getParameter("this")->getString(); string sep = c->getParameter("separator")->getString(); CScriptVar *result = c->getReturnVar(); result->setArray(); int length = 0; size_t pos = str.find(sep); while (pos != string::npos) { result->setArrayIndex(length++, new CScriptVar(str.substr(0,pos))); str = str.substr(pos+1); pos = str.find(sep); } if (str.size()>0) result->setArrayIndex(length++, new CScriptVar(str)); } void scStringFromCharCode(CScriptVar *c, void *) { char str[2]; str[0] = c->getParameter("char")->getInt(); str[1] = 0; c->getReturnVar()->setString(str); } void scIntegerParseInt(CScriptVar *c, void *) { string str = c->getParameter("str")->getString(); int val = strtol(str.c_str(),0,0); c->getReturnVar()->setInt(val); } void scIntegerValueOf(CScriptVar *c, void *) { string str = c->getParameter("str")->getString(); int val = 0; if (str.length()==1) val = str[0]; c->getReturnVar()->setInt(val); } void scJSONStringify(CScriptVar *c, void *) { std::ostringstream result; c->getParameter("obj")->getJSON(result); c->getReturnVar()->setString(result.str()); } void scExec(CScriptVar *c, void *data) { CTinyJS *tinyJS = (CTinyJS *)data; std::string str = c->getParameter("jsCode")->getString(); tinyJS->execute(str); } void scEval(CScriptVar *c, void *data) { CTinyJS *tinyJS = (CTinyJS *)data; std::string str = c->getParameter("jsCode")->getString(); c->setReturnVar(tinyJS->evaluateComplex(str).var); } void scArrayContains(CScriptVar *c, void *data) { CScriptVar *obj = c->getParameter("obj"); CScriptVarLink *v = c->getParameter("this")->firstChild; bool contains = false; while (v) { if (v->var->equals(obj)) { contains = true; break; } v = v->nextSibling; } c->getReturnVar()->setInt(contains); } void scArrayRemove(CScriptVar *c, void *data) { CScriptVar *obj = c->getParameter("obj"); vector removedIndices; CScriptVarLink *v; // remove v = c->getParameter("this")->firstChild; while (v) { if (v->var->equals(obj)) { removedIndices.push_back(v->getIntName()); } v = v->nextSibling; } // renumber v = c->getParameter("this")->firstChild; while (v) { int n = v->getIntName(); int newn = n; for (size_t i=0;i=removedIndices[i]) newn--; if (newn!=n) v->setIntName(newn); v = v->nextSibling; } } void scArrayJoin(CScriptVar *c, void *data) { string sep = c->getParameter("separator")->getString(); CScriptVar *arr = c->getParameter("this"); ostringstream sstr; int l = arr->getArrayLength(); for (int i=0;i0) sstr << sep; sstr << arr->getArrayIndex(i)->getString(); } c->getReturnVar()->setString(sstr.str()); } // ----------------------------------------------- Register Functions void registerFunctions(CTinyJS *tinyJS) { tinyJS->addNative("function exec(jsCode)", scExec, tinyJS); // execute the given code tinyJS->addNative("function eval(jsCode)", scEval, tinyJS); // execute the given string (an expression) and return the result tinyJS->addNative("function trace()", scTrace, tinyJS); tinyJS->addNative("function Object.dump()", scObjectDump, 0); tinyJS->addNative("function Object.clone()", scObjectClone, 0); tinyJS->addNative("function Math.rand()", scMathRand, 0); tinyJS->addNative("function Math.randInt(min, max)", scMathRandInt, 0); tinyJS->addNative("function charToInt(ch)", scCharToInt, 0); // convert a character to an int - get its value tinyJS->addNative("function String.indexOf(search)", scStringIndexOf, 0); // find the position of a string in a string, -1 if not tinyJS->addNative("function String.substring(lo,hi)", scStringSubstring, 0); tinyJS->addNative("function String.charAt(pos)", scStringCharAt, 0); tinyJS->addNative("function String.charCodeAt(pos)", scStringCharCodeAt, 0); tinyJS->addNative("function String.fromCharCode(char)", scStringFromCharCode, 0); tinyJS->addNative("function String.split(separator)", scStringSplit, 0); tinyJS->addNative("function Integer.parseInt(str)", scIntegerParseInt, 0); // string to int tinyJS->addNative("function Integer.valueOf(str)", scIntegerValueOf, 0); // value of a single character tinyJS->addNative("function JSON.stringify(obj, replacer)", scJSONStringify, 0); // convert to JSON. replacer is ignored at the moment // JSON.parse is left out as you can (unsafely!) use eval instead tinyJS->addNative("function Array.contains(obj)", scArrayContains, 0); tinyJS->addNative("function Array.remove(obj)", scArrayRemove, 0); tinyJS->addNative("function Array.join(separator)", scArrayJoin, 0); }