/* * TinyJS * * A single-file Javascript-alike engine * * Authored By Gordon Williams * * Copyright (C) 2009 Pur3 Ltd * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #ifndef TINYJS_H #define TINYJS_H #include #ifndef TRACE #define TRACE printf #endif // TRACE const int TINYJS_LOOP_MAX_ITERATIONS = 1024; enum LEX_TYPES { LEX_EOF = 0, LEX_ID = 256, LEX_INT, LEX_FLOAT, LEX_STR, LEX_EQUAL, LEX_NEQUAL, LEX_LEQUAL, LEX_GEQUAL, LEX_PLUSEQUAL, LEX_MINUSEQUAL, LEX_PLUSPLUS, LEX_MINUSMINUS, LEX_ANDAND, LEX_OROR, // reserved words LEX_R_IF, LEX_R_ELSE, LEX_R_WHILE, LEX_R_FOR, LEX_R_FUNCTION, LEX_R_RETURN, LEX_R_VAR, LEX_R_TRUE, LEX_R_FALSE, }; enum SCRIPTVAR_FLAGS { SCRIPTVAR_FUNCTION = 1, SCRIPTVAR_NATIVE = 2, SCRIPTVAR_NUMERIC = 4, SCRIPTVAR_INTEGER = 8, // eg. not floating point SCRIPTVAR_VARTYPEMASK = 12, SCRIPTVAR_PARAMETER = 16 }; #define TINYJS_RETURN_VAR "return" #define TINYJS_TEMP_NAME "" #define TINYJS_BLANK_DATA "" /// convert the given string into a quoted string suitable for javascript std::string getJSString(const std::string &str); class CScriptException { public: std::string text; CScriptException(const std::string &exceptionText); }; class CScriptLex { public: CScriptLex(const std::string &input); ~CScriptLex(void); char currCh, nextCh; int tk; ///< The type of the token that we have int tokenPosition; ///< Position in the data at the beginning of the token we have here std::string tkStr; ///< Data contained in the token we have here void match(int expected_tk); ///< Lexical match wotsit std::string getTokenStr(int token); ///< Get the string representation of the given token void reset(); ///< Reset this lex so we can start again std::string getSubString(int lastPosition); ///< Return a sub-string from the given position up until right now CScriptLex *getSubLex(int lastPosition); ///< Return a sub-lexer from the given position up until right now std::string getPosition(int pos); ///< Return a string representing the position in lines and columns of the character pos given protected: std::string data; ///< Data string to get tokens from int dataPos; ///< Position in data void getNextCh(); void getNextToken(); ///< Get the text token from our text string }; class CScriptVar; typedef void (*JSCallback)(CScriptVar *var); /// Variable class (containing a doubly-linked list of children) class CScriptVar { public: CScriptVar(void); CScriptVar(std::string varName, std::string varData=TINYJS_BLANK_DATA, int varFlags = 0); CScriptVar(double varData); CScriptVar(int val); ~CScriptVar(void); CScriptVar *findChild(std::string childName); ///< Tries to find a child with the given name, may return 0 CScriptVar *getChild(std::string childName); ///< Gets a child with the given name, produces error on fail CScriptVar *findRecursive(std::string childName); ///< Finds a child, looking recursively up the tree void addChild(CScriptVar *child); CScriptVar *addChildNoDup(CScriptVar *child); ///< add a child overwriting any with the same name void removeChild(CScriptVar *child); void removeAllChildren(); CScriptVar *getRoot(); ///< Get the absolute root of the tree std::string getName(); int getInt(); bool getBool() { return getInt() != 0; } double getDouble(); std::string &getString(); void setInt(int num); void setDouble(double val); void setString(std::string str); bool isInt() { return (flags&SCRIPTVAR_NUMERIC)!=0 && (flags&SCRIPTVAR_INTEGER)!=0; } bool isDouble() { return (flags&SCRIPTVAR_NUMERIC)!=0 && (flags&SCRIPTVAR_INTEGER)==0; } bool isNumeric() { return (flags&SCRIPTVAR_NUMERIC)!=0; } bool isFunction() { return (flags&SCRIPTVAR_FUNCTION)!=0; } bool isParameter() { return (flags&SCRIPTVAR_PARAMETER)!=0; } bool isNative() { return (flags&SCRIPTVAR_NATIVE)!=0; } CScriptVar *mathsOp(CScriptVar *b, int op); ///< do a maths op with another script variable void copyValue(CScriptVar *val); ///< copy the value from the value given CScriptVar *deepCopy(); ///< deep copy this node and return the result void trace(std::string indentStr = ""); ///< Dump out the contents of this using trace void getInitialiseCode(std::ostringstream &destination, const std::string &prefix = ""); ///< Write out all the JS code needed to recreate this script variable to the stream void setCallback(JSCallback callback); CScriptVar *firstChild; CScriptVar *lastChild; CScriptVar *nextSibling; CScriptVar *prevSibling; CScriptVar *parent; protected: std::string name; std::string data; int flags; JSCallback jsCallback; void init(); // initilisation of data members friend class CTinyJS; }; class CTinyJS { public: CTinyJS(); ~CTinyJS(); void execute(const std::string &code); std::string evaluate(const std::string &code); /// add a function to the root scope /** example: \code void scRandInt(CScriptVar *c) { ... } tinyJS->addNative("function randInt(min, max)", scRandInt); \endcode */ void addNative(const std::string &funcDesc, JSCallback ptr); /// Get the value of the given variable, or return 0 std::string *getVariable(const std::string &path); /// Send all variables to stdout void trace(); CScriptVar *root; private: CScriptLex *l; // parsing - in order of precedence CScriptVar *factor(bool &execute); CScriptVar *unary(bool &execute); CScriptVar *term(bool &execute); CScriptVar *expression(bool &execute); CScriptVar *condition(bool &execute); CScriptVar *logic(bool &execute); CScriptVar *base(bool &execute); void block(bool &execute); void statement(bool &execute); }; #endif